John Sundling

Portland Store

The Store


17 Marion Street
Portland, Maine 04101

The Store is Currently Open for Shopping:

Wednesday - Saturday
11 am - 5 pm

Please visit for more details.

Long before I was a florist I loved houseplants. Their beauty, livelihood, and continued friendships have captivated me for a long time and I dreamed of one day opening a little plant shop. I didn’t think that, when I was starting with flowers, I would eventually be brought back to this deep-seated dream.

Our goal with the Store is to help you find the sprinkles on the cupcake of your plant collection. We work to stock unique specimens, plants with character, hard-to-finds, and Instagrammable treasures. The selection is always changing based on our plant-finding adventures but you can expect:

  • Unique Foliage and Blooming Houseplants

  • Dried Botanic Wreaths and Arrangements

  • Containers, Misters, Elixirs, & Plant Accessories
